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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 7 Post 17 TECHNOLOGY?

We are on a fast train to somewhere and if we don't know where we're going we are gonna be lost when we get there. Is that profound, or what?

I'm glad HCPL is helping us become more technologically informed. I don't want to be left behind because I don't know what's out there. AND THERE IS SOOOOOO MUCH OUT THERE. But here's my opinion, for what it's worth: There's a lot of connecting and communicating going on, but what happened to a good 'ole fashioned face-to-face conversation? I'm thinking our young people will be less apt to "stop by" and visit someone if they grow up doing so much communicating on the web and texting on cell phones. Face-to-face relationships could become almost non-existent. And perhaps they already are for some people. Sad. Sad. Why would my kids rather order pizza on-line than to call and talk to someone? However,
I do like the fact that my kids and their cousins who live miles away from each other can communicate on My Space or FaceBook. I grew up not knowing any of my cousins because we moved away. My kids and their cousins share their lives with each other so that if and when they ever get together they will know a little bit about each other. Our society is not like it was years ago when families lived and died in the same town. Perhaps the technology that may have taken us away from each other, has also allowed us to stay in communication with each other, whether by phone, email, or photo cam.
I posted on another blog. Seems we have the same concerns about face-to-face communication with all the ipods, mp3's and laptops being used.
More later.....

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